It is a very simple Lottery Simulator for Euro Jackpot.

package main

import (

// avoid double entries
func unique(intSlice []int) []int {
	keys := make(map[int]bool)
	list := []int{}
	for _, entry := range intSlice {
		if _, value := keys[entry]; !value {
			keys[entry] = true
			list = append(list, entry)
	return list

// compares two slices and returns matches
func compare(a, b []int) []int {
	//Empty Struct
	type void struct{}

	// create map with length of the 'a' slice
	ma := make(map[int]void, len(a))
	matchs := []int{}

	// Convert first slice to map with empty struct (0 bytes)
	for _, ka := range a {
		ma[ka] = void{}
	// find matching values in a
	for _, kb := range b {
		if _, ok := ma[kb]; ok {
			matchs = append(matchs, kb)
	return matchs

func main() {   

	//User numbers input
	userNumbers := []int{}
	var userNumber int

	for i := 0; len(userNumbers) < 5; i++ {
		fmt.Printf("\nPlease enter your %d. Lotto Number : ", cap(userNumbers)+1)
		fmt.Scanf("%d", &userNumber)

		// Forcing to user give numbers between 1 and 50
		if userNumber <= 50 && userNumber > 0 {
			userNumbers = append(userNumbers, userNumber)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("\nINVALID NUMMBER ! Please give a nummber between 1 and 50 \n\n")
		// remove double entries coused by user if exists
		userNumbers = unique(userNumbers)

	//User STAR numbers input
	userStars := []int{}
	var userStar int

	for i := 0; len(userStars) < 2; i++ {

		fmt.Printf("\nPlease enter your %d. Lotto Star number : ", cap(userStars)+1)
		fmt.Scanf("%d", &userStar)

		// Forcing user to give only numbers between 1 and 12
		if userStar <= 12 && userStar > 0 {
			userStars = append(userStars, userStar)
		} else {
			fmt.Println("INVALID NUMMBER ! Please give a nummber between 1 and 12 ")
		// remove double entries coused by user if exists
		userStars = unique(userStars)

	// Sorting all Values

	// Display User numbers and User Star numbers
	fmt.Printf("YOUR NUMBERS :\t\t%2d\t", userNumbers)
	fmt.Printf("YOUR STARS:\t%2d\n", userStars)

	// random Lottery Numbers MIN, MAX and UNIT value declaration
	lotteryMin := 1
	lotteryMax := 50
	lotteryUnits := 5

	// random Lottery STAR Nummbers MIN, MAX and UNIT value declaration
	starMin := 1
	starMax := 12
	starUnits := 2

	// generate random Lottary numbers up to current time

	// variable declarations
	var lottaryList []int
	var lottaryUniqList []int

	var starList []int
	var starUniqList []int

	// set a winning numbers randomly
	for i := 0; len(lottaryUniqList) < lotteryUnits; i++ {

		lottaryNumbers := rand.Intn(lotteryMax-lotteryMin+1) + lotteryMin
		lottaryList = append(lottaryList, lottaryNumbers)
		lottaryUniqList = unique(lottaryList)

	// set a winning Star numbers randomly
	for i := 0; len(starUniqList) < starUnits; i++ {

		starNumbers := rand.Intn(starMax-starMin+1) + starMin
		starList = append(starList, starNumbers)
		starUniqList = unique(starList)

	// Sorting winnings numbers

	// Display Winning Numbers
	fmt.Printf("WINNING NUMBRES :\t%2d\t", lottaryUniqList)
	fmt.Printf("WINNING STARS :\t%2d\n", starUniqList)

	comparedNumbers := compare(lottaryUniqList, userNumbers[:])
	comparedStars := compare(starUniqList, userStars[:])

	// Display MATCHING Numbers
	fmt.Printf("MATCHING NUMBERS :\t%2d\n", comparedNumbers)
	fmt.Printf("MATCHING STAR NUMBERS:\t%2d\n\n", comparedStars)

<- Just copy code in the Online Compiler and run