Go Arrays
An array is a collection of elements of the same type placed in contiguous in the memory locations MOST IMPORTANT  thing in Go, arrays have a fixed length. It’s means later you do not change length of Array.

How to declare Array 
var array_name = [length]datatype{values}
array_name := [length]datatype{values}

var arr1 = [3]int{1,2,3} // arr1 has a length of 3 and already initializated with values 1,2 and 3

var arr1 = […]int{1,2} // length of array declared as a (…)  later initializated only with 2 values  1 and 2. Go fix length of Array as a 2 automaticly

var arr1 = [4]int{} // arr1 has a length of 4 but not initializated. Any time we can assign values (only 4 values)

var arr1 := [4]int{1,2} // arr1 has a length of 4 but partially initializated. Any time we can assign values (2 more values)


How to manipulate Arrays

prices := [3]int{10,50,30} // Here is our Array  here ist the stucture of our array -> index0 = 10 , index1= 50 , index2 = 30

prices[1] = 20 // Index1 of our array was 50 and now we changed it to 20 same was we can initializate if not initializated.